Kettlefoot Rod & Gun Club Forum

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Kettlefoot Rod & Gun Club Forum

A forum for anyone with an interest in the activities, participation, and promotion of the Kettlefoot Rod & Gun Club

    Shotgun Newsletter April 2013


    Posts : 73
    Join date : 2009-02-21

    Shotgun Newsletter April 2013 Empty Shotgun Newsletter April 2013

    Post  Lynne Thu Apr 11, 2013 11:45 am


    1. The ATA Schedule is posted on the VTA and ATA website. The Big 50/League will begin on April 4, 2013 and run through October 31, 2013. We will probably have 2 leagues running approximately 12 weeks each.
    2. Winter schedule ends the last of March. The 4th Saturday in April will be our 1st registered shoot (April 27) and will start at 10:00am.
    3. All ATA and 1st Sat. Trophy Shoot scores will count toward league standings by 50’s.


    1. We will not have a Skeet League this year, unless someone steps forward who is willing to run and manage the League. If anyone is genuinely interested in running the Skeet League, please contact me.
    2. The fields will be open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Thursdays We will open Field 1 for Skeet if anyone wants to shoot.


    1. It has become apparent that changes must be made to our 5-stand and Sporting Clays disciplines. The management of Kettlefoot is committed to providing a Sporting Clays Range for our members. Maintaining a Sporting Clays range is time consuming and labor intensive. Our friends Mike Rutter and Travis Burt have worked hard to make Kettlefoot a great place to shoot. However, Mike has a business and Travis has his Practice which leaves them very little spare time. I have heard from them and from others that they are tired and would like to just come out and shoot. I had hoped hiring someone to help load the Traps would help, but apparently more needs to be done.
    2. With all of the above in mind…Mike Jordan (who is retired and has the time) has agreed to help Robert Earhart in managing 5-Stand and Sporting Clays. They are now the Sporting Clays and 5-Stand Range Officers/Coordinators. Please let them know if you experience any problems with the Traps or if you have any suggestions to improve the range(s) and/or the targets. If you have some free time to help, that would be greatly appreciated as well. They will open 5-Stand on Tuesday evenings beginning in April. Sporting Clays will be open on Sundays and as many Saturdays as possible until………
    a. I have made arrangements for repairs to the washout area. Work should begin soon at which time I will add an upper road above the fields out the side of the mountain. This will allow different targets and make servicing traps much easier.
    b. I have ordered Wi-card controllers from Pro-Matic for 5-Stand and Sporting Clays. These will be in soon and at that time we will automate 5-Stand and our best 5 Stations of Sporting Clays. We will have 2 Windows at each of these 5 stations allowing the shooter 10 different pairs of targets. When these are in place, 5-Stand and Sporting Clays will be available to everyone 7 Days a Week.
    c. I have also ordered a controller for Field 1 allowing another Trap and Skeet field to be available for shooters 24/7.
    3. I am closing my business and retiring around the end of June this year. At that time I hope to be able to spend more time at the club and get directly involved in the growth and promotion of our shooting areas. Sometime later in the summer, Mike Jordan and I will be clearing new stations and expanding our Sporting Clays Range. Until then we will simply have to use the area (approx. 10-12 Windows) we now have.
    4. Sporting type shooting requires more equipment and maintenance than any other discipline at Kettlefoot. In the last few years We have invested over $100,000 in our 5-Stand and Sporting Clays areas. With this in mind, I do not have any plans to raise shooting costs at this time. Hopefully, we can maintain our shotgun Sports pricing and increase our participation in the coming year.
    5. Unless someone steps forward who is willing to run and manage an entire League, there will not be a League for 5-Stand or Sporting Clays this year.
    6. Any Questions??? Would you like to help???? I very seldom hear a Thank You (not even an at-a-boy) to the people who labor to provide others a quality place/venue to shoot. I personally wish to thank Mike Rutter, Travis Burt, Robert Earhart, and Mike Jordan for their efforts.
    I have been at the club every Saturday except one since November 1, 2012. I am not hard to reach. And, after June 1st I will be on the Ranges a lot more. I hope to see you there and I hope to see the facility improve.

    Wayne Wills
    For the board of
    Kettlefoot Inc.

      Current date/time is Sat Nov 23, 2024 11:21 am