Uncle Harry Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:26 pm
The idea of an electric gate has been the topic of many hours of discussion for many years. There are many problems with an auto gate that are specific to Kettle foot. Some of which are ..
1. A ready and reliable power source
Is there not power available at the bullseye range?
2. Cost to the members
Maybe a survey to the members asking if a one-time assessment of 20-30.00 would be acceptible?
3. Someone willing to be on call 24/7 to take care of problems
Perhaps the gate installer can provide service on an annual contracted basis?
4. New construction in the near future that means we are going to move the gate to????
Would this then be a perfect time to incorporate a gate?
5. There is a possibility of the entrance to the club and the road being moved.
See above suggestion.
6. The fact that the present road to the club does not belong to us ...we only have a right of way.
But, there's a gate there now, right? Isn't this then a non-issue?
The board is constantly making decisions to improve our facility. I personally would like to see a card reader/autogate,However; at this time it is one of our projects that must wait until other issues are resolved.
Thanks for asking and I hope this helps you to understand why we are still with the key situation.
I'm certainly not intending to stir up any controversy but I think the addition of an electric gate would be a very positive improvement that would benefit all members.
Thanks for your consideration.